Understanding how to help your mental health is a struggle for many people in their lives. It often can feel confusing and all consuming at the same time. Where do you go to find the right support that you need?…
10 Positive Mental Health Habits That Will Transform and Improve Your Life
With all that is happening in our world today we all need positive mental health habits to keep us sane and grounded. These 10 positive mental health habits are sure to make a difference in your life and help you…
Emotional Healing Meaning | What Does It Mean & How Can You Experience It?
Emotional healing and its meaning might not be clear to a lot of people. What is the meaning of emotional healing? How can you experience it? What benefit can it bring to your life? You may have heard these words…
Spirituality and Health | What Benefit Does Spirituality Have On Your Physical & Emotional Health?
What is the relationship between spirituality and health? Can spirituality benefit you emotionally? These are important questions to explore and answer so that you can understand yourself better and benefit from engaging with your spirituality. Often spirituality and health, or…
Activities To Improve Mental Health | 12 Daily Activities To Improve Your Mental Health & Clear Your Mind
There are many activities to improve mental health that are available to you. In this article I share twelve of the most important ones that I often share when working with clients. These activities for mental health can be incorporated…
How Does Journaling Help | 7 Ways Journaling Brings Healing To Your Mind and Body
How does journaling help you? People have probably always heard that journaling your feelings is helpful but how does it do that really? In this article we will explore how journaling helps you and the ways that it can bring…
Journal Prompts For Anxiety And Depression | 19 Somatic Journal Prompts For Your Healing
In this article we explore journal prompts for anxiety and depression. Journaling your feelings related to anxiety and depression can be really helpful in processing these experiences and understanding them better. As you work with these journal prompts for anxiety…
How To Be Mentally Healthy And Happy | 7 Tips For Mental Wellness That You Must Know
In this article we will discuss how to be mentally healthy and happy. There are seven things that you absolutely need to make this possible. Your mental health should be your number one priority. It is important that you know…