Hello, my name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist, intuitive messenger, and author. And this is the May 2024 Life Path 8 numerology reading and energy forecast. So welcome Life Path 8 I’m very happy you’re here.
I’ve already consulted with spirit and I’ve drawn the correct cards for you Life Path 8. First, I’ll issue my disclaimer, which is that this is not about fortune telling or predictions in any way, shape or form.
This is about helping you and empowering you to work with the energies of your life as you move forward in May of 2024. This is never about taking any power away from you and giving it to me. This is about returning the power to you where it already belonged.
What I am sharing is only to help guide you and maybe give a couple of signposts of things that may be going on for you in May of 2024. And how to best work with those energies so that you’re more in the flow of things.
When the energies are a little bit more tumultuous, we will receive guidance from spirit on how to work with the more tumultuous energies. But first and foremost, this is about connecting you with your power. And connecting you with it in the way that serves you and your highest good.
So we’re going to begin. So the first card we have for you for the May 2024 Life Path 8 numerology reading and energy forecast is 7 of Swords. The 7 of swords is here. Okay, the next card is the Knight of Pentacles. So that’s basically that internal energy we’re going to be looking at. The center of the reading is the 4 of Wands. Interesting. After that, we have the 7 of Pentacles the card of evaluation, okay. And then we have the Ace of Swords. Speaking your truth or beginning to speak your truth, okay.
7 of Swords
So, first thing we’re going to note is that we’re beginning the reading and we’re ending the reading with swords. So you have the 7 of Swords beginning your reading and the Ace of Swords at the end. And in between, you have the Knight of Pentacles reversed, the 4 of Wands and the 7 of Pentacles. So interesting. So you have two swords, and two pentacles. And then one card that is the one wand card. Right.
Okay, so some people call this card, the sneaky thief card. But this is not my sneaky thief card. This is my card of people who just decided to bounce. Okay, so you may be in an energy of you’re thinking about going your own way about a situation.
There’s something that has been maybe mentally plaguing you. And you’re kind of like doing an evaluation of your thoughts. And you’re kind of like, you know what, this may not be for me. So I’m probably just gonna bounce and get out of here.
Knight of Pentacles (R)
And so the Knight of Pentacles is a very slow moving card. This is like one of the slowest cards in the deck. This and I believe The Hanged Man are the two slowest cards in the deck as far as like having humans on it. They are absolutely not doing anything or going anyplace. One is hanging upside down and the other is on a horse but the horse is not moving.
And so the Knight of Pentacles is usually a very stable card. The card of stability and that things are moving forward, but it’s moving forward very slowly. But for you, it’s saying that it’s coming up in the reverse position. So there’s an internal energy of not wanting to move forward or feeling that you can’t move forward. And that maybe you’re feeling blocked in certain ways. We’re going to come back to that.
4 of Wands
And then at the center of the reading we have the 4 of Wands. So maybe there is some new inspiration has come into your life. Maybe a new foundation is being built. And as the new foundation is being built, you’re kind of doing an evaluation of all of the things that surround it.
7 of Pentacles
Because then we have the 7 of Pentacles. You have kind of evaluated what you have before you and what’s going on. Because in the center of the reading, we have a new foundation that is inspiring you and you’re feeling more grounded in a new way.
Because 4’s in numerology have to do with foundation and then the wands have to do inspiration and creativity. So there may be something that’s coming forward for you around grounding yourself and forming a new foundation around your inspiration and creativity. And then you’re going to be evaluating what comes of that.
Ace of Swords
I’m getting that this is going to be the energies that are around you for about 30 to 60 days. And then there’s going to be new opportunities opening up for you Life Path 8 to begin to speak your truth with the Ace of Swords here. To say what’s on your mind and not hold yourself back any longer. There’s going to be an opening here.
And maybe that’s because you’ve kind of gotten up and you’ve kind of decided you’re going to do things your own way. And you’re going to take a different approach to things. And now that you’ve taken this different approach, now you’re going to feel more comfortable speaking about it and sharing your honest and true thoughts, ideas and opinions.
And maybe in the past you didn’t do that. But maybe this new foundation will inspire you to really look at things a bit more clearly. And really evaluate to see what you have and then begin to speak your truth.
Message from Spirit
Okay, let’s see what spirit has to say for the May 2024 Life Path 8 numerology reading and energy forecast. So it’s interesting. So what spirit is saying about the 7 of Swords is that it’s time to use your integrity and to embrace what’s true for you. That’s what I’m receiving.
It’s time to use your integrity and embrace what’s true for you. And that may be in the past, what you had been doing is that you had been being the loyal servant. The loyal, stable, steady influence and spirit is saying to turn that stable, steady influence upside down and use it for yourself.
Like maybe you have been the stable, steady influence for so many other people. And spirit is saying to turn that around, and be the stable, steady influence for yourself. Very interesting. And that by being the stable, steady influence for yourself, you’ll begin to have new passions and create activities.
You’ll begin to have a more grounded experience in building a new firmer foundation around something that you really care about. Something that’s very creative and something that gives you joy. But regardless of what you do with it, the fire and the passion of the wands can be used for anything.
And so maybe this will be an opportunity for you to use the fire and the creativity and the passions of the wands to ignite something new in your life. Something that’s new and that’s important to you. That’s going to set you on a new path.
Because then you have the 7 of Pentacles. And this is a card of really seeing what you’ve grown and created. And taking what you need and doing what you can with it. Which will make sense because we have this card the 7 of Swords and spirit is saying you need to operate in more integrity when it comes to certain things around your thoughts and your will in your approach to life.
And maybe when you start doing that, you can look at things a little bit more closely. And really evaluate what you have. So that you can begin to move forward and articulate and express yourself in a new way. That’s more truthful for you. So this may be a time for you to really step into your truth.
Because the fact that you have a swords card in the beginning and a swords card in the end means there’s things going on with your thinking and your mind. And you’re being called on to operate with more integrity, that speaks to the truth of who you are.
And maybe in the past, you’ve been such a loyal servant. You know stable, reliable, there for other people. So maybe you need to turn that energy, I feel that spirit is saying for you to turn that energy in on yourself. So that you can use that to grow yourself in new ways. Very interesting.
Yeah, there’s definitely something here about integrity. And about that you need to step into your own integrity and think for yourself and do things in a new way for yourself. So I hope that made sense for you. So anything else? Integrity is going to be very important at this time in your life Life Path 8.
You may be presented with some new opportunities and people may want you to compromise your integrity and spirit is saying don’t compromise your integrity. Ever, ever. It doesn’t matter what the reward may seem to be. Don’t ever, ever compromise your integrity.
Yeah, it’s okay for you to turn that light within and take care of yourself. And the way you stood up for other people and the way you’ve been there for other people, you’ve been like, super reliable and steady. Now you need to give that reliability and steadiness to yourself.
Because there’s something new coming for you that’s going to bring you more joy and passion into your life. And it’s going to be something that you can really sing about. I’ll just say that. It’s going to feel like your throat is going to be activated and you’re going to feel more passionate about what you have going on.
Yeah and once you are kind of reconnected with your passions, you’re going to look at the other things in your life in a new way. A new way that is a little bit more expansive for you and that speaks to where you’re going in your life. Okay, that was interesting. I am just as baffled as you are, so we’ll see what happens. I always love when spirit brings certain messages through because sometimes you don’t have any idea what’s going on. I’m just the messenger.
Angel Message
Angels one card for for the May 2024 Life Path 8 numerology reading and energy forecast. One card for Life Path 8. This is the second time this handsome gentleman has come up. Okay. Blessings and Abundance. That’s the message from the angels for you.
A lot of blessings and abundance is being wrapped around you. And your angels wants you to know that they are supporting you. They’re encouraging you to trust in your intuition and any other guidance you are receiving at this time. As it will lead you towards tremendous growth in fulfillment.
Many blessings are being showered upon your present situation. If you have not yet experienced them, know that they will be revealed and shared in the perfect time-space sequence. All doors to abundance are now being opened to you. Angel wisdom is encouraging you to begin counting your blessings. Then you’ll be open to receiving even more of them.
Extended Message: Abundance is the spiritual reward for trusting and sharing your gifts and talents. When we align with our highest choices and actions for the highest good, you will be blessed with opportunities at this time. You’re in a place of deep spiritual connection and strength.
And you’re being given the opportunity to feel spiritually rich even if you’re feeling sensitive or overwhelmed. The veil between this realm and heaven is thin and you have light and support all around you. If you have any concerns about finances or assets, know that the hand of God is guiding your situation to a blessed outcome. Trust your talents and the angels who are supporting. Ase’.
Wrapping It All Up
Okay, so that’s your message for the May 2024 Life Path 8 numerology reading and energy forecast. I hope it resonated with you. I hope it spoke to you. I found it fascinating. I’d be very curious to see what you think. And I’m like, I don’t know what any of this means but it looks good in that it’s always good to operate in more integrity, and it’s always good to speak your truth.
And it’s always good to have a new foundation built. And it’s always good to evaluate what you’ve created. So I hope this makes sense to you. If you’d like a more personal and in-depth intuitive reading my information is here. So my name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist, intuitive messenger and author.
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Decks Used: One World Tarot and The Angel Guide Oracle.
Images By: Sonia Ross.