Hello, my name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist and intuitive messenger and an author. This is the May 2024 Life Path 5 numerology reading and energy forecast. This is the energy forecast and reading for Life Path No. 5 for May of 2024. So welcome Life Path 5, I’m very happy you’re here.
So we’re going to begin. I’ve drawn the cards and I’ve confirmed with spirit that we have the right cards for you. And let me say as always that this is not meant to be predictive or fortune telling at all. This is meant to empower you so that you can work with the energies of your life. So that you can get the most out of them.
And if the energies are a little bit more tumultuous, you know how to work with those too. So remember, no predictions, no fortunetelling. Just an insight into the energies around your life at this time for May 2024 and how you can best work with them. If the energies are a little bit more tumultuous, how you can work with these to remember, the power is always in you. There is nothing I ever say that overrides your natural divine intelligence and who you know yourself to be as a human being. So let’s begin.
So for this May 2024 Life Path 5 numerology reading and energy forecast, the first card is the 3 of Wands. So that’s one of the energies you’ll be working with. Something that you’re going to have to be exploring this month. The second card is the Wheel of Fortune. Okay, so we’ll say more about that. So that’s coming up as a second card, which basically means that’s more of an internal energy you’re going to have to look at within yourself.
The third card is the Ace of Pentacles. New beginnings. Next is The Empress. Our beautiful Empress. She’s here to support you Life Path 5. And the outcome is the King of Swords in reverse. Interesting. I didn’t have any reversals in this deck but you got one. Okay, so we’re gonna keep it. That’s very, very interesting. So there’s a message here for you Life Path 5.
3 of Wands
Okay, so here we have the 3 of Wands. So there’s going to be an energy of being open to new opportunities that are coming your way. Opportunities to connect. Greater opportunities to connect with yourself around your creativity, your joy, the things that inspire you.
You’re being encouraged to have a new openness in your life regarding these things. And to not be so shut down. Yes, I’m getting a sense that you need to be open. You need to be open to these new energies that are coming into your life because they’re coming into your life for a reason.
The Wheel of Fortune – Reversed
I feel like there’s an opportunity for things to flow towards you and you don’t want to shut them off. And I think that’s why the Wheel of Fortune is coming up in the obstacle position. Basically saying, upright the Wheel of Fortune is about karmic cycles. Lessons that are being learned and things like that.
And so you’re being directed to turn that energy in towards yourself. You’re being directed to go inward and look at the cycles within yourself you need to break. Are there things that are stopping you from embracing the new opportunities in your life that could be presenting themselves to you?
Because what I’m feeling as I look at these cards Life Path 5, is that there’s something that could be flowing towards you. Yeah, I’m very drawn to the water in this card. And I’m very drawn to the idea that there’s something that could be flowing towards you.
That could be nourishing for you. That could be good for you. That could be inspiring for you. But there’s something inside of yourself, that you may be limiting or blocking yourself in certain ways. Maybe there’s some work you need to do on ending certain cycles within yourself.
Certain areas where you are blocked that are stopping you from accepting certain things within yourself. Like you can say externally, I would like certain opportunities. I would like to have certain experiences but within yourself you have not really looked at the things that are blocking you from receiving it.
The things that you may have been mostly unconscious of that are gonna go contrary to what you say, verbally. Because you have what you say externally and then you have what you say to yourself internally. And sometimes when we’re speaking to ourselves internally we’re not even aware of what we’re saying.
Because these messages can be so subtle or they can be so old. Or they can feel so familiar, we won’t even be aware of the impact they’re having on us and that they could be blocking us. Because at the center of the reading is the Ace of Pentacles, there are some new opportunities. An energy of new opportunities opening up for you.
Ace of Pentacles
New opportunities, possibly around health, around fitness, around career, around finance. There’s something that has to do with your 3D life, your material life, that it is a new opportunity coming forward. That’s why you have the Ace of Pentacles.
But if you’re not in the mindset to truly be open to it, to accept it, then it’s just going to make you feel kind of sabotaged and stuck. So there is going to be an energy of opportunity. Energies of opportunity around your physical reality and around the 3D.
Around your material world, having to do with your health, your fitness, your career, your finances, like something is going to be opening up for you in that way. And you’re being encouraged. And I’m definitely getting that it may be something around health and fitness.
The Empress
And The Empress is here to help you. The Empress is here to expand those energies. The Empress is here to expand the energy of opportunity. So you have these two cards. These two cards side by side are really important.
It’s kind of like to emphasize this point or to put an extra little bit of sauce and play on it. You know to highlight these two things because the suit of Pentacles has to do with the earth. And the suit of Pentacles is associated with Taurus and the Empress she’s associated with Taurus as well.
So it’s like a magnification of earth energy. A magnification of things that can grow and be abundant around you. So to have these two cards come up together, it’s actually really, really good. Because The Empress is about to expand some things.
But you have to make sure that whatever The Empress is expanding, she’s expanding the things that you want to be expanded. Greater health, greater fitness, more self awareness of your connection with your body. Let her help support you with things having to do with blooming which are being enhanced. This will make sure that your mind is in the right place so you can truly accept that.
King of Swords
And then surprise the last card of the reading is the King of Swords with the King of Swords being reversed. So upright, the King of Swords, has to do with a master of logic, analysis, maturity and wisdom.
And that energy is of wielding the sword to look very incisively at what’s happening around them. And because he’s the king, he has the maturity and wisdom to look at things from an insightful and incisive way that’s going to add to his life.
But for you, it’s coming up in the reverse position. Very interesting. As if to say, there’s some work you have to do Life Path 5. There’s some work you have to do to go within yourself to gain greater clarity. And to kind of cultivate that inner maturity and wisdom with your own thinking.
Is there a way that you’ve been blocking yourself from really looking at your own thoughts and the situations around you from a mature and enhanced way?
So that’s what the King of Swords energy is coming forward to say. There was something you need to do internally within yourself to understand how you’re being blocked from stepping into your King of Swords energy. Which is a great energy by the way. But reversed it’s like you have some work to do. So this was really interesting. Okay, awesome, awesome, awesome. Okay, so let’s see what spirit has to say to you Life Path 5 then we will draw an angel card then we will conclude.
Message from Spirit
Spirit, what would you like to say for the May 2024 Life Path 5 numerology reading and energy forecast?
Okay, so what would you like to say about the 3 of Wands? It’s like there’s something that wants to come towards you. It’s something that wants to flow your way but maybe you’ve been too scared to accept it or adopt it.
Because I feel like there’s like a big gush of something that just wants to flow towards you. And for whatever reason, you may be intimidated by it. You may be afraid of it. You may be afraid that it’s gonna knock you down.
But when I tap into that energy, I’m tapping into an energy of not love, per se, but something that’s going to help you and it’s going to nourish you. And it’s going to be an opportunity for you. Something that’s going to be good for you.
Like when I feel that water flowing towards you it’s the waters of opportunity flowing towards you. Opportunities, opportunities around fire and passion and inspiration and things to lift you up. I feel this energy flowing towards you.
And maybe you’ve been like, no, no, no, no, no. You don’t feel ready. You don’t feel this. You don’t feel that. You don’t feel like it’s the right time, the place, you don’t feel like you’re ready. And spirit is saying, you know, let this come towards you. Let it nourish you. Let it take you to someplace that you’ve been afraid to go. Because on the other side of that place, is something that’s really, really good for you.
Okay, so that’s why the Wheel of Fortune card is coming up in the reverse. It is because whatever this thing is that you’ve been hesitant to allow into your life, that you’ve been fighting. You’ve kind of been like pushing back the waters, because you didn’t want them to come towards you.
Because you’ve been intimidated or afraid or maybe you’ve had limiting thoughts. The Wheel of Fortune is coming over and saying you really really need to look at this. And you have to begin to understand the karmic cycle you’re on.
Like, karma is not bad. Karma is just the lessons that we’ve come to this earth to learn. And lessons, again, are not bad. They’re just things that our soul designed on its life journey that they wanted to experience through the physical form.
And so if part of your karmic cycle is, oh wait, I’m going to really work with the energy of not accepting what’s good for me. I’m going to work with the energy of not feeling brave enough or good enough to embrace certain things in my life.
Or having certain talents and abilities and creative whatevers and not feeling like I can really step into that energy. That’s the program. That’s the plan that your soul has designed. So that you could learn about that through the physical form.
That is all karma is. It’s about learning and working through things in physical form. And we all have karmic lessons. They’re not a punishment. They are things that our soul has designed, so that we can experience them in physical form and work them through in physical form.
Because we’re not in the heaven realm, the spiritual realm, where we just instantly manifest. We are not in the realm where we instantly know our value. Where we instantly know our worth and we know our love. We are not in the place where we know that we are love and we know that we’re connected to everything.
It’s completely different on this dimension. And you know this is why we come here. And this is why some of us choose to go through this process of learning about ourselves through the physical reality. Learning about our soul and learning about reconnection through physical reality.
So spirit is saying to you Life Path 5, now is the time to go within and look at the karmic cycles. The things that you have been telling yourself that have been holding you back from accepting yourself. From seeing yourself and loving yourself.
I’m getting something like maybe you have a gift and ability, a creative thing you can do and that you’ve been really been hesitant and afraid to step into that energy. I’m getting it’s something around creativity. Okay, so spirit is saying you’re going to really, really need to go within about that.
Okay, so we have the Ace of Pentacles, what would you like to say spirit? So spirit is saying with the Ace of Pentacles, when the door opens, to walk through it, that’s what I’m seeing. When the door opens Life Path 5 walk through it, don’t be scared, walk through it.
I’m also getting you know, there’s gonna be energies around working with your health and your fitness. Spirit is saying to embrace working with the energies around health and fitness. And, you know when you work with the energies around health and fitness, that’ll get your energy up overall. And you’ll feel more energized and inspired in other ways as well.
So spirit is saying walk through the doors around health and fitness. And that will help with your creativity, and things like that as well. And The Empress is here to help with that. She’s here to help you grow on a physical level.
Yes, The Empress is here to help you on the physical level. And she’s also here to help you have a more profound experience in the physical. Oh and she’s also here to help you heal whatever you have to heal around being in the physical world by being in your physical body.
Things don’t have to be difficult. You just have to learn to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself. And I think that’s why the King of Swords is coming through. The King of Swords is coming through in the reverse position to say, you have to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and how you think.
You have to really look at your thoughts and your thinking and the things that have been holding you back. You have to really cultivate and see clearly what is still stopping you from going to that next level in your thinking and clearing out a lot of muck.
And so the King of Swords this is a powerful energy. So for me, it’s like you have done some work on your thinking and your mind but you can go deeper. You can go deeper. You can go deeper. You can understand your thinking in a deeper way.
And you’re being challenged by the King of Swords in reverse to look at your thinking in a deeper way. To begin to cultivate a mental space that’s clear. You’re clearing out the muck because it’s holding you back. Okay, so I hope that made sense. Anything else spirit?
Okay, awesome. So let’s see what the angels have to say for the May 2024 Life Path 5 numerology reading and energy forecast? So I hope that made sense to you Life Path 5. Really, really don’t fight your opportunities. And you’re getting very strong messages through the Wheel of Fortune and The King of Swords to really look at what’s been holding you back.
When the opportunity comes, step through the door and allow The Empress to help you. The Empress energy is here to help you. Because this energy can be very expansive and it can actually be very profound for you. But out of five cards Life Path 5, you got two major arcana so these are important life lessons for you and your soul.
Angel Message
Angels one card for the May 2024 Life Path 5 numerology reading. So we’re getting Earth and Ground. Earth and Ground. So let’s see what we have to say about that.
You may be feeling discombobulated and all over the place at this time. Most likely because you’re spreading yourself too thin and taking on too many projects at once. So your angel guide is encouraging you to get grounded.
When you come back to Earth, you will have a clearer insight into who you are, what you need to do to feel safer and more at ease in your life. You are being guided to take some time to breathe, connect with fresh air and even go somewhere in nature where you can relax, release and let go.
You may be uncertain about what you’re supposed to be focusing on at this time. And that’s because your energy is a little bit too dispersed right now. But angels of the earth are with you to help you ground yourself and feel connected again. As you have important work to do.
And exciting experiences only unfold when your energy is intact and contained. You are blessed to receive this card today because it’s a message of protection and guardianship. Angels are strongly connected to you and your path right now. And they want to support your evolution.
When you lose a sense of connection to who you are, you can often find yourself focusing on energy or projects and even old habits that can limit that evolution. So take the time to breathe. Call on Mother Earth to hold you and invite the angels of the earth to draw deep roots from your being down to the heart of the earth.
Know that when you are grounded, you’re a strong, focused and loving individual. Let me repeat: Know that when you are grounded, you are a strong, focused and loving individual. And you can make decisions that are enriching and revitalizing. When this card shows up for you, angels are guiding you to remember that you are of great value. And the earth is blessed to have you. Ase’.
Wrapping It All Up
Okay, so that was wonderful. I hope this all makes sense. Life Path 5 if you’d like a more in depth personal reading, my information is here. Please leave me a comment. Let me know what you thought of this. I thought this was very interesting.
I’ll always love doing these readings. Because even though they are for the collective there is always such wonderful information that Spirit brings forward for us all so that we can continue on our journey. So my name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist, intuitive messenger and an author. And this was the May 2024 Life Path 5 numerology reading and energy forecast.
And if you liked this video/blog post, please give it a thumbs up. Please leave me a comment below. Let me know what you thought of it. And you know, share and subscribe to the channel. So, I hope you have a wonderful May 2024 Life Path 5, peace and blessings to you always.
Decks Used: One World Tarot and The Angel Guide Oracle.
Images By: Canva AI and Sonia Ross.