Hello, my name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist, intuitive messenger and author. And this is the May 2024 Life Path 9 numerology reading and energy forecast. This is the energy forecast and reading for Life Path 9 for May of 2024. So welcome Life Path 9, I’m really happy you’re here.

So, I’ve already checked with spirit and we have the correct cards pulled for you. But first, let me just say as my disclaimer that these readings are never predictive or fortunetelling. These readings are meant to empower you to connect with your own energies to work with them in the best way possible for your life.
It’s to remind you that you have the power, and all the power that you ever need in your life, is within you to affect any type of change in your life. Anything I say is meant to encourage you and to be like little signposts and little stickies that you can have in your mind’s eye for the month.
So that when the energies should present themselves and you notice them, you can be like, Oh, okay, I know what this is. Let me see what I can do to work with this. So this is all about empowering you and helping you to work in the most constructive way possible with the energies of your life. So let’s begin.
So the first card in your May 2024 Life Path 9 numerology reading and energy forecast is the 7 of Swords. This damn card was the first card in the last reading. Busy little thing! He’s busy. Next card is the Queen of Wands in the obstacle position, the Queen of Wands. Interesting. Okay, the next card is the Queen of Pentacles. Fascinating, fascinating. And this card is so pretty. The next card is the 10 of Cups. These are some lovely cards. And the next card is The Moon. All right.
Okay, well I’m gonna say that this is very, very interesting. So we have the 7 of Swords. They call this one the thief in the night card. So we’ll see how it shows up in your reading. But this is a card where it’s kind of dusk, shrouded in mystery. He’s creeping away.
And then we have The Moon card, another card where it’s kind of dusky. You know, the sun is down. Things are happening, things are emerging. And so these are the two bookends but then at the center of the reading, we have these like wonderful colorful, light, buoyant, vibrant cards. So awesome. And we have three different suits. We have the wands, we have the pentacles and we have the cups. Interesting, interesting. Interesting.
Okay, so we’re gonna begin but I’m gonna try to think here. No, I’m not trying to think, let me see what spirit has to say. Because I don’t want to say the same thing I said about the 7 of Swords that I said in the last reading if it’s not true because it was just in my memory.
7 of Swords

So what do you have to say about the 7 of Swords for the May 2024 Life Path 9 numerology reading? Okay, it’s about integrity. Okay, so the 7 of Swords, what I’m getting for you Life Path 9 in May 2024, is that it’s not so about integrity. It’s about you beginning to do the process of relying on your own thinking and your own intuition about the situation.
You’re beginning to rely on your own thinking and intuition about a situation in your life. This is the time to use your energy for you to cultivate an inner awareness about what’s happening for you mentally. And really think about things and look around you and really beginning to make some decisive decisions about your path forward.
Queen of Wands (R)

And in the obstacle position kind of like a reversal is the Queen of Wands. So the Queen of Wands is a woman of intuition, passion, creativity. She knows how to use the fire element in the most wise, sophisticated, loving, nurturing ways.
But she’s coming up in the obstacle position basically as a reversal. And so I think that you have been called on Life Path 9 to see if there’s spaces and places within yourself where you are not accessing that energy in that way. If this is a card of wisdom, energy, fire and intuition, Is there in your life where you are not using that energy for yourself?
Is there somewhere in your life that you’re not cultivating that energy or not connected to that energy within yourself? So you’re being called on to really think about this. Are you not connected with your wisdom? Are you not connecting with your intuition in a mature, loving, nurturing way? Are you not using the fire and the passion that’s associated with the Queen of Wands to add passion, sustainability and nurturance to your own life?
Queen of Pentacles

Because the next card we have is the Queen of Pentacles. And so another queen. So it’s really interesting, you have two queens in a row. But she is the master of the physical domains, right. So she knows how to use her wisdom, intuition and her nurturing energy to work with the physical world.
So maybe, what you’re doing is you’re not using your wisdom and your intuition to work with the spiritual world as reflected by the Queen of Wands. Because the wands also have to do with spirit too. So maybe you’re not using this energy to work with the things that are most inspiring to you. And maybe you’re not using this energy to work with the spiritual world.
But you do have the energy around you in the center of the reading of the Queen of Pentacles. So maybe you have been using your energy of wisdom and nurturance to work with the physical world. Maybe you’ve been very good with cultivating things around your business, your career, your finances and you’ve been able to nurture and grow those things.
But to the left of you is the Queen of Wands in reverse. It’s saying that while yes, you have been very active and successful on a physical level, there’s certain other ways that you’re not cultivating within yourself and that you need to begin to do that for yourself.
10 of Cups

And then the next card you have here is the 10 of Cups. And so the 10 of Cups is usually called the “Happy Family” card. I love this card. I think this family is supposed to be Hawaiian. They’re having their ceremony and party and they’re living it up. They’re having such a good time together. And they all look so beautiful and happy.
And so there is an energy of emotional joy and abundance around you. You’re in an energy of emotional joy and abundance around you. Where things on a certain level, emotionally, may feel like they’ve come together. And if that’s the case, that’s wonderful. So things are coming together here on a physical level with the Queen of Pentacles. And things are coming together on an emotional level with the 10 of Cups.
The Moon

But then we have The Moon. The Moon is about the mind and the deep subconscious. So there’s some other work you have to do Life Path 9 which has to do with your mind. That makes sense because swords are about the mind as well and The Moon is about the mind. So it’s about your thinking.
And The Moon is about those deeper subconscious places in your mind. So you’re being called on to connect, go within and work on those deeper, more subconscious places in your mind. And so this energy may be around you for about ninety days. Ninety to maybe one hundred and twenty days the energy of working with the mind will be with you.
So let me just say this: when it comes to this reading this is the only major arcana you have. And so the major arcana are our life themes. Major Arcana are life themes, so you’re being called on to work with this life theme going forward for the next 90 days, 90 to 100 days, or 120 days.
This has to do with the overall energy of the reading. This will be the overall energy of the reading for about 90 to 120 days which is quite far out for me. Normally I receive like 30 to 60 days or 60 to 90 days or three months or whatever. But here I’m getting 90 to 120 days. So overall, that energy is going to be around you for 90 to 120 days.
But when it comes to The Moon, this is a cycle. This is a theme. This is the archetypal energy that you have in your life right now that you’re being called on to work with. You’ve been called on to work with your mind and to work with the subconscious. Because again this is another card that has to do with deep, deep emotion.
So maybe on the surface, you have some wonderful things going on with your family. Wonderful things going on with your career and your finances in your life. But you’re being called on to do some work with spirit. Connect with that energy of spirit and really work with your mind in a deeper way.
I’m feeling for you Life Path 9 that you’ve done a lot. There’s a lot of good positive energy you have in your life right now. But there’s still additional work that has to be done about connecting with your mind. Really working with your hidden thoughts, your subconscious thoughts, things that may have been holding you back.
Now you may be like: Well I’m feeling pretty good. I don’t feel like I’m being held back. But the cards say otherwise. The cards are saying, You have to work with your thinking because there’s something going on. There’s something going on in your mind. Maybe you didn’t want to face whatever this is and maybe you didn’t want to address it.
But since you have such an energy of abundance around you, the Queen of Pentacles and the 10 of Cups, use this energy of abundance and the fullness that is here to help support you in this next leg of your journey. You have to work with the energy of The Moon and tap into your subconscious.
You have to work through some of the other things that may have been hidden. Some of the hidden agendas within your own mind that may be sabotaging you or holding you back in certain ways. I hope you understand what that means.
Message from Spirit
Okay, spirit, what would you like to say about the 7 of Swords for the May 2024 Life Path 9 numerology reading and energy forecast. The 7 of Swords is not so much about integrity in your case. But it’s more about developing greater self awareness of your thinking. And walking away from the thoughts that no longer serve you.
Which will make sense because we have The Moon at the end, right? You’re being called on with the Queen of Wands energy in reverse, to reverse the energy that you give to others through your creativity and joy and use that to feed yourself.
Because that will be the avenue for you connect with spirit. You need to strengthen your connection with spirit and use that energy of intuition and wisdom and nurturance for your own self, for your own inspiration, for your own life. So that you can know motivate and inspire yourself.
In the center of the reading, you’re the Queen of Pentacles. This energy of nurturance, intuition and wisdom as it has to do with the third dimension. Your physical health, your fitness, your career, your finances. Spirit is saying you’ve handled that very well and that’s wonderful.
And they’re happy that you’re feeling good and that you’re in the 10 of cups energy. The energy of feeling like maybe your family life is finally in balance. And that’s feeling really good for you. And that’s wonderful. But there’s still more work to be done as far as taking care of your own mind.
Working with your subconscious. Working with hidden ego agendas. Things that are in your mind that you have not been attending to. Things that can sabotage you and make you feel less than. Spirit is encouraging you to work through those things. And you will be supported in doing so. Okay, interesting. Interesting, interesting, interesting. So we’re going to do that.
So I’m going to ask the angels for their message for Life Path 9 in May 2024. I think these cards look beautiful. But the fact that the 7 of Swords is the beginning of the reading and The Moon is at the end, tells me there’s some parts of your shadow you need to work on.
There’s a lot of colorful energy outside of you and around you. This energy looks so beautiful and pretty because these cards are so beautiful and pretty. If you have this energy around you that’s wonderful. But don’t be distracted. You have some things to work on in your mind.
Because you can have the beauty and you can also know that there’s still other work to be done. You can have both. It just takes balance. The cards over all are very positive but on the edges there’s work to be done – important work. Especially with The Moon here. I’m getting that maybe you have some subconscious hidden ego agendas that are not allowing you to feel fulfilled in certain ways.
Angel Message
Angels one card for the May of 2024 Life Path 9 numerology reading and energy forecast. Expect Miracles, okay. Can’t go wrong with that one. Miracles occur naturally. They’re always ready to unfold. Your angels are encouraging you to prepare yourself for them now. And a miracle doesn’t have to be an extravagant change of circumstances.
It can be a simple shift of energy that creates a wave of love in your life. If you need something positive to happen or you’re praying hard for something, this card brings you the message that something exciting and healing is about to unfold. In order to help this along, you’re being guided by your angels to recognize and honor your own worth.
Realize that you’re absolutely worthy of miracles and they will unfold in your life. Your entire life has been brought together by miracles. They are happening all the time and the miracles that you need isn’t a difficult one because in the hands of the Divine, anything is possible.
Extended Message: Place yourself in a golden light. Remember that the light of God is within you. Right there in the heart of your being and your soul. Good things can happen for you. But in order to manifest something wonderful in your life, you have to believe that it is possible. You could be seeing the miracle you need as impossible or even too big for you to achieve.
Ultimately, this is exactly what is blocking it from happening. So change it now. Your angel guide is inviting you to open your mind and heart and to see what is being delivered to you and feel that is already in your life. Feel grateful for all of your blessings and you will allow the miracles you deserve to unfold. Ase’.
Wrapping It All Up
So that’s it for the May 2024 Life Path 9 numerology reading and energy forecast. I’m a 9 too, so I will go back and listen to this reading in case it has wisdom for me as well. And if you’d like a more personal in depth intuitive reading the information to have that with me is here.
So my name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist, intuitive messenger and author. I am so happy and pleased to have been able to do this reading for you today regarding the Life Path 9 energy in May 2024. Please like this video, share it, subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you about how this May 2024 numerology reading resonated with you and if it spoke to you. So peace Life Path 9. Many blessings.
Decks Used: One World Tarot and The Angel Guide Oracle.
Images By: Sonia Ross.