Hello, my name is Sonia Ross and I’m a psychotherapist, intuitive messenger and author. This is the May 2024 Life Path 6 numerology reading and energy forecast. This is the energy forecast and reading for Life Path 6 for May 2024. So welcome Life Path 6. I’m very, very happy you’re here.
So I’ve already confirmed with spirit that I have the right cards for the May 2024 Life Path 6 numerology reading. But before we begin, let me just say you my little disclaimer, which is that I do not do predictions. I do not do fortune telling. This is about the energies that are around you for May 2024 Life Path 6.
This is meant to help empower you so you can work with those energies. And also give a little bit of guidance if the energies are a little bit more tumultuous. But it’s never about causing fear or predicting. It’s about helping you to connect with the power and the strength that you have within to navigate your own life. These are kind of like little signposts so that you can understand what’s happening around you.
So we’re going to begin the May 2024 Life Path 6 numerology reading and energy forecast. So the first card we have for you Life Path 6 is the 8 of Pentacles. The second card we have for you is the 9 of Swords. But the 9 of Swords is in reverse. So that’s interesting, okay.
And then we have the 3 of Swords, okay. We have a lot of swords here and then we have the Page of Swords. So let me just say, when I did my fan and I do my whole little thing, these cards are nowhere next to each other. So the fact that you have three swords cards in a row is very, very interesting. And then you have the 9 of Wands. Interesting, interesting, interesting.
Well okay so first of all let me just say for May 2024 Life Path 6, your thinking is going to be very important. You’re going to be really, really working on your mind and working through the ways that you have felt defensive and embattled.
8 of Pentacles
There’s been some places and spaces in your life, especially maybe mentally, where you felt defensive and embattled. And so that’s clear in the cards. You’ve been working hard. Here, we have our 8 of Pentacles.
You know, we have our apprentice here. And so you have been working hard. You’ve been working hard on a lot of material matters. A lot of things having to do with the physical, which is fine, which is great, which is wonderful.
However, there’s a clear message here that your world needs to stop being so externalized. Not stop per se but your world has been very externalized. And so now you have to start working on your mind and your thinking and letting go of what no longer serves you.
9 of Swords (R)
Because the next card we have is that is the 9 of Swords. And so typically the 9 of Swords is the worry and anxiety card. It’s like, we have so much on our mind, we feel overwhelmed but here it’s in the reverse.
And so this may be a message from spirit for you Life Path 6. It’s time to let that energy of anxiety and worry go. It’s time to release it. It’s time to look at it and it’s time to release it. And it’s really, really time to do that important work.
3 of Swords
Because the next thing that’s happening here is the 3 of Swords. Well, if you know anything about tarot, there’s a couple cards people don’t ever want to see. They never want to see this one and never want to see The Tower. They never want to see Death and blah, blah, blah.
None of these cars are bad cards. But what this is saying is that if there has been some wounding, if there has been some mental wounding that caused heartbreak, that it’s time to begin to heal it. Because here you have the anxiety and worry card but it’s in reverse.
And so this is saying it’s time to let this anxiety and worry go. Really go within and try to understand the things that are plaguing you mentally and begin to heal them.
You know, because if you’ve been plagued by anxiety, worries and things like that, spirit is saying it’s time to let that go. You have to go inward and you have to do a really important assessment of your thinking. And that when you’re doing that assessment, you’re going to come across the things that point you to the things that broke your heart.
The things that broke your heart. That made you feel alone. That made you feel you abandoned. That made you sad. That made you cry. Now you’re really going to have to look at them. You’re really going to have to look at them now and this is what you’re being called to do Life Path 6 in May of 2024.
Page of Swords
Because the next card next to it is this Page of Swords. So this page, she’s about to begin a new journey when it comes to navigating her thoughts and working with her thinking. She’s still quite young. She’s still quite immature.
But she’s getting ready to take those first steps to work with her mind and her thinking in a new way. And so this is the message for you Life Path 6, you’re being called to work with your mind and you’re thinking in a new way. Such as, I’m gonna get this life situation straightened out.
You’re being called to work on your mind and you’re thinking in a new way. Maybe because you’ve been in such an anxious and fearful place for so long. Worried about any and all of it that you have been stymied or limited in your growth prospects.
But spirit is calling on you to expand your growth prospects in this area. It’s time to level up. It’s time to grow. And it’s time to mature in your thinking and your ability to deal with your own thoughts and the things that plague you. So it’s time to level up and grow.
And because the page is still quite young she’s still quite immature. She’s just putting her foot onto the road to begin to develop herself in certain ways. And so you’re being called on to do that.
9 of Wands
And, you know, Spirit is saying with the 9 of Wands, yes, you’ve been embattled. Yes, you felt defensive. Yes, you felt like you had to fight, fight, fight. But you can call on spiritual energy, you can call on your angels, you can call on your spiritual support team.
I’m getting the sense that you’ve been feeling embattled which makes sense. You’ve been working hard but your mind’s been all messed up because you’ve had some pain and heartbreak. You still have to develop in certain areas.
We’re all going through the developmental process. So you’re not the only one. And you’ve been feeling like you’ve been taking some hits. But spirit is saying, You don’t have to keep taking hits. You can call on support. You can call on guidance so that you do not feel so alone in your experiences.
The 8 of Pentacles can be a wonderful card. It is a card of hard work. But sometimes, when you’re keeping your head down so much you don’t realize what you have. There’s other things you have to take care of and do around you.
Because the 8 of Pentacles is the first card and this is the last card the 9 of Wands. So both of these are cards of hard work, effort, and defensiveness and spirit of saying you don’t have to be that way. It doesn’t always have to be about hard work and being defensive.
You can do your internal work. You really really have to work on your mind and your thinking. So that you can step through a threshold to something new and greater for yourself. I know this may seem a little bit of like, Ugh…The 9 of Swords, the 3 of Swords and the Page of Swords.
You know, cut, cut, cut. But it’s all for your highest good. And it’s all to take you into a greater place of self development, personal reflection, and really, really working with your mind so you don’t feel your mind is your enemy.
You really really have to work with your mind so you don’t feel so embattled. And you don’t feel so on your own. So I hope that makes sense.
Message from Spirit
So let’s see what our message from spirit is for the May 2024 Life Path 6 numerology reading? So spirit is saying that there’s always been an energy around you Life Path 6 of I’m just going to keep my head down and do the work. I’m going to go to work. I’m going to go to home. I’m going to take care of my family. I’m going to do this. I’m just going to be very focused on the concrete task at hand.
What spirit is saying is you can be focused on the concrete tasks at hand. But you can do it in a more balanced way. Because if you don’t focus on your overall your health, your finances, your career, those tangible earthly things that can have an impact on you.
Yes, I’m getting that there is someone who just goes to work. Goes home goes to work. And they just do the same thing every single day. And this is their life and they’ve accepted it. But spirit is saying there’s more for you but you have to do the work to access it.
And then in the midst of always working, you’ve been carrying a lot of worry. You’ve been carrying a lot of anxiety. A lot of fears about different things. And that, spirit is saying, you may have been using work to distract yourself from the worries and fears you’re holding.
And that by somehow just staying in a constant flow of work this is going to be the thing that’s going to take all of that away. And spirit is saying that’s not how it works. You have to slow down and take care of your mind and begin to release these things.
You’re being highly, highly encouraged to release the anger and the energy of anxiety, worry and fear that has been like plaguing you. It’s time to release it. It is time to let it go. And you can only do that by going within. And then when you go within, you are going to find out some things that can make a real difference in your life.
You’re going to find out some things and start seeing where your heart has been broken, where your heart has been cut. But you have to go within to see it in order to recognize that it needs to be healed. What would you like to say about the 3 of Swords spirit?
It’s time to turn within and acknowledge what has hurt you. Whether this is from your mother, your father, family, relationships, other dysfunctional dynamics. This is work that you have been fearful of doing but what you’re perfectly capable of doing.
You’re a very solid, grounded person in a lot of ways. So don’t be fearful about doing that internal work of looking at your mind, healing your heart, and healing the things that have pierced you. Because it’s very, very important. And you’re being called on to develop yourself more in the area of your thinking. We’re all being on called on to grow in that area right now.
Don’t keep limiting yourself to be in a space where you’re just kind of stuck and immature. It’s time to evolve. And it’s time to grow around your thinking, your thoughts, and what serves you. Spirit, what would you like to say about the Page of Swords?
This is a card of growth. It’s here to prompt you to grow. Grow in your capacity to think and grow in your capacity to deal with problems. Yes, spirit is saying it’s time to face life. It’s time to face life on life’s terms. And stop doubting yourself because you can deal with it.
The 9 of Wands, spirit? What do you have to say about the 9 of Wands? So let me just say that with a nine we’re getting close to completing a cycle. Nine is about completing a cycle. So you’re coming up towards completing a cycle that has to do with feeling embattled. You know you’re always in defense mode. So spirit, what do you have to say about the 9 of Wands?
You don’t always have to feel so embattled and on your own. There is a universe of support to serve you. Your angels, your spiritual team, divine intelligence. And if you’ve been having thoughts that these things don’t work for you, it’s because your mind is not clear enough to see it.
So spirit is saying that maybe you’ve tried certain things in the past and you’ve been like that doesn’t work. And spirit is saying, it does work. You just can’t see it because your mind is not clear. Your mind needs to be clear. Your heart has to be healed and your mind has to be clear.
Your heart has to be healed in order to receive messages from spirit. And they’re all around you all the time. But if your heart is all yucky in there and filled with anxiety, worry and hurt, you’re just going to feel yucky. You’re not going to be able to hear spirit.
And you’re not going to feel the support of the angels and the universe that are around you. They’re around everyone without exception. We have to raise our vibration in order to receive the messages of those connections. So we have work to do here.
So spirit is saying it’s time for you to end the cycle of feeling embattled, on the defensive and feeling like you’re carrying everything alone. And 8’s are about manifestation. They are about manifestation and hard work. And so while you are very good at manifesting and hard work and things like that, spirit is saying that you need to be developed more and more in other areas.
Angel Message
So let’s see what the angels have for you. One card for Life Path 6, angels. One card for the May 2024 Life Path 6 numerology reading. You got two cards. Okay. They sent two cards for you. The first card is, Use Your No. The second card is Angelic Protection. It goes to what I was saying about the 9 of Wands. The angels are always around you so call on angelic protection.
Never seen him before. Interesting. He has some type of markings on his face. It’s interesting. So let’s go to the first card that came out of the two cards came out for you Life Path 6. So let’s find out what they have to say. And it’s good because I am not familiar with these two cards.
Know your angels are drawing close to you at this time to help you recognize the answer to the question on your mind is no. This is not the time to proceed. You may want to but you are being encouraged to see beyond the current situation and understand that following through on your ideas may have a negative effect on the whole course of your life.
Angels are swooping in because they want to save the day and save you a lot of heartache for a choice that is not heart centered. Remember, we got this card for you the 3 of Swords. So the angels are around you to save you from making a choice that is not heart centered and to prevent you from having further heartache.
If you’re feeling upset or annoyed by this guidance, this is okay. You are allowed to have the emotional response but in truth, there will be a part of you that already knows that what you’re considering isn’t the best use of your energy.
Extended message: Do not make plans. Do not move forward, retreat and reflect. Think deeply seek the advice of those you love and trust and ask them to help you get to the bottom of the question or issue or decision that is before you. Do not make any sudden moves.
This card is coming in to help you sustain your mental, emotional and spiritual energy and stay on the road to wholeness. So this is really interesting. I’ve read a lot of these different messages from these cards but this is the first card that has been so clear and like don’t do it. So whatever’s going on Life Path 6 the angels are saying hold your horses.
Angelic protection – A brilliant light of protection is around you at this time. Angels are guiding and guarding you and want you to know that you are safe. Whether you feeling worried about physical, emotional, spiritual harm or not. This card is confirming that you have spiritual protection.
Your angel guide is supporting you and leading you toward positive experiences and outcomes. If you have decisions to make or opportunities to take and you are unsure of what to do, know that this card is bringing you comfort and support. The angels who are with you only need a prayer from you in order to swoop in and guide you.
Extended message: You are protected. The worst is now behind you and you are ready to move on from the challenges that you have been facing. The past is gone and your angel guides are encouraging you to let it go. If traumatic or painful memories have revisited you recently, know that they are opportunities to recognize how far you’ve come and acknowledge how much healing has taken place in your life.
When you have reflected on these shifts, leave the past behind and move forward. The present is only a gift if you’re able to receive it. If you’re facing the unknown at this time, know that your angel guide will show you the next steps and you will be surrounded by a spiritual force field that will protect you on all levels as you move forward.
Wrapping It All Up
Okay, beautiful. So now despite whatever worries or anxieties you were having Life Path 6, two angels are around you. Look, I want to show you this angel because she’s so pretty. She’s at the bottom of the deck: self acceptance, self acceptance.
So I hope that makes sense for you Life Path 6. I know for this May 2024 Life Path 6 numerology reading this was a little bit more intense. But I hope you take it to heart and I hope you found some messages in here that are supportive and nourishing for you. I want you to be well and I want you to really take care of yourself.
If you’d like a more in depth intuitive reading with me that information is here. My name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist, intuitive messenger and an author. And if you liked this video/blog post, please give it a thumbs up. Please subscribe to the channel and share. And leave me a comment below to let me know what you think. I love hearing feedback for folks. So you take care and peace and blessings
Decks Used: One World Tarot and The Angel Guide Oracle.
Images By: Sonia Ross.