This is the May 2024 Life Path 3 numerology reading and energy forecast. So welcome Life Path 3 I’m very happy you’re here.
So, let me start with my new disclaimer that I’m giving in these videos and posts in that this is a space of empowerment. This is about encouraging you to reconnect to connect with yourself. This is not about predictions. This isn’t about fortune telling. This is about helping you to reconnect with the power that you already have inherently within you to navigate your life, to navigate change and to navigate challenge.
So this is a space to let you know about the energies that may be around you Life Path 3 and to encourage you that you have the power to navigate them. And for the energies that may be a little bit more tumultuous, I may be able to offer some words of wisdom from spirit regarding that.
So, this is a space of empowerment. Ultimately, everything lies in your hands, and you’re more powerful than you even know. Trust me on that one. Okay, so we’re going to begin. I’ve checked in with spirit, and we have the right cards for you for this for the month of May. And so we’re going to begin.
Okay, so the first card we have is the Eight of Swords. So again, a lot of things happening with people’s mind. Very, very interesting. March was all about swords. So, we’re getting the first card in your spread as the Eight of Swords.
The next card after that is The Empress. So she’s coming up in the second position which is like the obstacle position. So the energy of The Empress is reversed. So, it makes sense that you have the Eight of Swords as your first card and then The Empress. She’s very disempowered. And The Empress is typically very empowered. But it’s like your energy to empower yourself is being blocked. And so you don’t feel like you have the power to make change. Very, very interesting.
The next card is The Star. Beautiful. So the center of the reading is The Star. Then we have the Ace of Wands. This wand card is very busy, because this wand card was in the other reading, too, for Life Path 2. And then we have the Six of Swords.
Okay, so where are we? So first things first. We’re beginning the reading and we’re ending it with swords. So this is going to be a very, very interesting time for you to take care of your mind. And work to not be a prisoner of your own thoughts. To calm yourself and to calm your thinking down. So you can feel more calm internally. And The Star is here to help with that.
So you have two major arcana side by side, two very, very powerful cards. But The Empress is showing up in the reverse position. And so you’re feeling very disconnected from your energy and power. Well, first you are feeling very disconnected from your feminine energy. This is the energy of receptivity. The energy to receive. The energy to take in things.
And then on the other side of her to her right is the is The Star. She’s naked. She’s open. She’s vulnerable. She’s connected to her intuition. She’s connected to her emotions. And the light and illumination is blooming over her head. So The Star energy is here to support you to take care of your mind. And reflect to you the ways that you’re not connecting to yourself.
8 of Swords
Okay, so what is the Eight of Swords saying? The Eight of Swords is saying you have this energy around you that’s going to be strong. Life Path 3 you have an energy around you where you really, really, really are going to have to take care of your thoughts and you’re thinking.
You’re feeling very disempowered right now. You’re feeling like you’re being held hostage by your mind and your thoughts. You don’t know how to make certain decisions. Spirit is saying that’s not true. Spirit is saying that’s not true at all. That’s maybe what you think. But everything you think, isn’t true.
And sometimes we can get so lost in our thinking that it becomes our total reality. But our thinking is not our reality. Oftentimes, your thinking leads you astray. Your thinking is not always an accurate perception of what is going on because it’s influenced by your culture. It’s influenced by your gender. It’s influenced by your home environment, your upbringing, messages you received from your caregivers.
And if those messages were not kind, loving, supportive and uplifting, it can do a total head job on people. It will have them out here confused and messed up in their mind for decades, trust me, I’ve seen it. And so, you’re being called on in this energy Life Path 3, to really, really work on your mind. To work on your thinking. And to stop holding yourself hostage and putting yourself in a state of mind that you don’t have to be in.
The Empress Reversed
You are making a choice Life Path 3 to put yourself in a state of mind that you do not have to be in. The Empress is a dynamite card. So even if she’s in the reverse, she can still help you out. So you’re not connecting to your feminine receptive energy. And this has nothing to do with gender. But oftentimes to receive messages from spirit we have to be in what is called a feminine receptive state.
Femininity is not about behaviors. Feminine energy is an energy of receptivity that everybody, every human being, needs to be in. To receive messages and guidance from spirit, you have to be in a in a state of receptivity. That’s why yoga, meditation, breathwork, anything that helps to calm our minds and our emotions down is very helpful. Anything that connects us to that feminine energy of receptivity so that we can receive messages, guidance, and whatever we need to navigate any situation.
Masculine energy is an active energy. It is the energy of the Ace of Wands. That is a masculine energy of action, doing, fire. We’re getting ready to burn through this and we’re getting ready to make it happen. That is a masculine energy. Masculine energy is the energy of action. Feminine energy is the energy of receptivity and receiving.
Its people who got it all muddled up about men should only be this way. And women should only be this way. And blah, blah, blah. We have both inside of us. And because we live in such a dysfunctional society, one is held up as the standard, and one is diminished and banished as something that’s less than. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Both are important, action and receptivity, because they work hand in hand. Because how are you gonna know what to do if you don’t get quiet to receive the message. And as you see in the world, a lot of people are out here taking all kinds of actions and doing all kinds of crazy stuff when it’s out of alignment with spirit. You can’t be out here doing these types of things. Spirit is not telling you to hurt people. Anyway, that’s another topic.
So even in the reverse position The Empress still very powerful. Even in the reverse, she’s not withered she’s still here. And so you’re being called on to connect with this if your feminine receptive energy is blocked and you’re not connected to your intuition. If you’re not connected to your power, you’re being called on to do something about that.
The Star
And that’s why The Star pulled up next to her sister The Empress. She is here to say, Okay, well, since you blocked over here, we’re going to send you some more receptive, feminine energy with The Star. She’s illuminated, naked, vulnerable, bare but still happy. She’s at peace. Connected to her emotions, and she’s receiving illumination and her divine powers.
And so that is around you. That is near you. That is close to you. You have access to it. And so use this star energy of illumination, clarity, openness. Being highly connected to your intuition. Use that to clarify some things and to open you up because nobody needs to be out here doing this. Feeling like you’re a hostage in your own mind. This is why the Suit of Swords is so rough.
Because you know, it is out here jamming people up. But we have to work on our thinking to get out of it. And that’s why The Star is right next to the Ace of Wands. Because when you tap into the energy of The Star, you’re going to feel ignited and inspired. And you will be on a path of new beginnings to be connected to yourself.
Ace of Wands
So spiritually this shift is signified by the Ace of Wands that will help to take you to smoother waters. This fire of activation will help you to have the motivation and inspiration you need to make a change. Mentally this activation will help to calm down your mind and take you to a new state. A new state of peace around your thinking and eventually around your emotions.
So, Life Path 3 you can’t be out here jamming yourself up. We just can’t do that okay. And so you had two wonderful cards come through to help you say no, no, no, we can’t do that. Especially with The Star and the Ace of Wands being close by. Back to back what each other.
This is really here to help you. To serve you. To inspire you. To wake you up to what is already within you. She’s here to tell you about your intuition as you connect to it. And the Ace of Wands is here to say yes activation is possible and that you can become activated.
You can be activated to take the steps that you need to go into a different mental and emotional state. You need to be activated Life Path 3 and stop thinking that you are a hostage. You’re not anybody’s hostage. You’re nobody’s hostage. Well that message came through strongly. No wonder the pendulum was swinging so fast. As far as the 8 of Swords spirit is saying stop holding yourself in bondage.
I’ll say what spirit is saying. This is spirits message and I say it with L O V E. Spirit is saying that any situation you found yourself in is because you didn’t want to face the facts that were there. You preferred to be blindfolded. That’s just what I received. Don’t hurt the messenger!
So spirit is basically saying this whole mental situation you’ve got yourself in you are doing this to yourself and they want you to stop. I’m just going to be blunt. That’s what they said. They want you to stop. They’re saying The Empress is still very powerful even though she’s upside down. You’re not tapping into her fullness the way you could. Even when she’s upside down you’re not tapping into her as fully as you could. She still does her thing even at 25%.
So call in this energy to enhance your life and to help you make better decisions. Call on these powerful female energies to help you clarify some things and step into your power. Connect with your higher light through The Star card. Connect with your higher light. Connect with your intuition.
Connect with the moon light for those people who may do moon rituals. So that when you turn that light on inside of your mind and connect to those higher chakras, you will pull down that energy. This will help to light up your intuition and turn it on more fully. So that you’ll feel supported as you navigate whatever this space is that you’re in.
Let the Ace of Wands inspire you. Let that fire, the ignition of the Ace of Wands, put a fire underneath you. So you can start taking more action and not be so passive. This energy of the Ace of Wands is to challenge this energy that makes you feel blocked and stagnant in your life.
This fire is coming to help so that you will stop feeling so held up and start feeling connected to the fire that you have within yourself to effect change. That when you begin to affect change, your motivation about a lot of other things in your life will increase.
6 of Swords
You may be telling yourself some things like; things will never change, things will never change. Again that’s this Eight of Swords energy. Spirit is saying no – cut that out. The Six of Swords is here to say change is possible but you have to do your part to work on your thinking. It’s going to be very very important that you do this. You can move to smoother waters. You can have a more calm mind and a more calm emotional state.
Angel Message
So one card for Life Path 3 angels. One card for Life Path 3.
Okay, so we have Earth and Ground. This is pretty and it makes sense. Because a lot of times when we’re really anxious we’re all in our head. We feel very, very ungrounded. And so I guess spirit is saying that some are dealing with that energy of feeling ungrounded.
You may be feeling discombobulated or all over the place at this time. That’s that air energy. Most likely because you are spreading yourself too thin and taking on too many projects at once. So your angel guide is encouraging you to get grounded.
When you come back to Earth, you will have a clearer insight into who you are and what you need to feel safer and more at ease in your life. You’re being guided to take some time to breathe, connect with fresh air and even go somewhere in nature where you can relax, release and let go.
You may be uncertain about where you’re supposed to be focusing. You may be uncertain about what you’re supposed to be focusing on at this time. And that’s because your energy is a little bit dispersed right now. But angels of the earth are with you to help you ground yourself and feel connected again. As you have important work to do and exciting experiences can only unfold when your energy is intact and contained.
You are blessed to receive this card today because it’s a message of protection and guardianship. Angels are strongly connected to you and your path right now. And they want to support your evolution. When you lose a sense of connection to who you are, you can often find yourself focusing on energy or projects and even old habits that can limit your evolution. That’s the 8 of Swords energy, old habits of the mind.
So take your time, breathe, and call on Mother Earth to hold you and invite the angels of the earth to draw deep roots from your being down to the heart of the earth. Know that when you are grounded, you are a strong, focused and loving individual. And you can make decisions that are enriching and revitalizing.
When this card shows up for you, angels are guiding you to remember that you are of great value and that the earth is blessed to have you. And I think this is a beautiful message that the angels are bringing forth about earthing and grounding. And saying that the earth is blessed to have you because that’s a beautiful message.
Wrapping It All Up
Because a lot of times when we are feeling anxious we’re in our mind. Our minds can tell us terrible things. But you’re being reminded Life Path 3, y’all are typically very, very sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet spirits. But sometimes we can get in our head and get into that negative place of, Oh God, why am I even here? This is miserable. I’m so miserable. I’m so unhappy and things like that.
But the angels are here to remind you that you are needed on this planet. The Earth is blessed to have you and that you have a contribution to make. And that once you get out of your head which is not always easy you have to do some work. But once you clarify your thoughts, and your thoughts calm down, you will be able to see things clearly around your purpose. The meaning for your life and what you are supposed to be doing here. This way you won’t feel as limited and as anxious and all tied up in your head and all tied up inside about it.
So many blessings to you Life Path 3. If you’d like a more in depth reading with me, that information is here. I am really, really happy to do these monthly videos/posts for everyone. It fills me with a lot of joy.
And so I hope that something that was said here resonates with you. That it helps you and that it can ease your path going forward. And so my name is Sonia Ross. I’m a psychotherapist and intuitive messenger and author. Please like this video, please share it, please subscribe to the channel. And until the next video I hope you have a blessed blessed day. Peace.
Decks Used: One World Tarot and The Angel Guide Oracle.
Images By: Canva AI